![]() Here are the scenery background sets I have done so far. These are free to use in a non-comercial site. I do request a link back to my graphics index so others could find something they like. If you will let me know that you are using one of my background sets I can put your name on a page of people using my background sets. I would also like to visit your site and sign your guestbook. If you want to purchase exclusive use of one of these sets please let me know. To make these background sets takes a lot of time and while I do enjoy making them very much if there is no demand for them I will remove them and make some different ones. Each set has several buttons, a welcome sign, Outlook Express stationery, and a logo for my graphics. They are in zip format to make it easier for you to download them.
To return to the main background menu all you need to do is to close this window. Thanks, Granny