
The table border on this background set is 78%.
Background color is #990000.
Text color is #CC9999 bold.


The set includes everything on this page plus buttons for next, back, links,sign, view, guestbook and a blank button. Also included in the set is a set of email for Outlook Express along with instructions on how to install it. You can download this set by left clicking here

If you use this background set I do ask that you please use this

Web Granny's Graphics

logo that is enclosed in the set and link it back to me at https://awebgranny.tripod.com/bkgndx.html.

I would also appreciate it if you would Email me to let me know that you are using this set so i can come see how it looks and sign your guestbook. I will also add your name to a page of links to people who are using my designs.

To return to the background menu just close this window.